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City of Parramatta’s Transformation

The City of Parramatta has undergone a complete transformation over the last few years. In 2017/18, Council’s Land Use Planning team integrated the Local Environment Plans (LEP) from the five Councils that existed prior to 12 May 2016. That financial year, City of...

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The Curated Retail Experience

It’s no secret that retail has fundamentally shifted over the past few years. With the rise in online retailing and speed of delivery, we no longer need to go to shopping centres to buy things – we go there for choice. But humans want to connect, to socialise, to...

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Love Where You Live

Love Where You Live: How Key City Elements Come Together to Create the Places that Help us Thrive This year, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) undertook citizen research across Australia to ask the question: “Do you love where you live?”. The results of this research seeks...

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Palmer Street – The Street of Eating

Palmer Street - the street of eating The street has recently been refurbished with new lighting, pavements, seating and street trees. Through collaboration with different partners, this street has become an example of stakeholder collaboration using sustainable energy...

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Placemaking Masterclass at ICTC 2019

A masterclass on best-practice placemaking with world renowned expert Ethan Kent from Project for Public Spaces (PPS), New York City. Participants will walk away with new ideas and collaborative insights for building people powered places and strengthening...

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International Cities, Town Centres & Communities Society
PO Box 224 ASHGROVE  QLD  4060