Parramatta Field Trips
A number of optional activities are available to further delegates professional development and explore Parramatta.
Below is just an example of what the field trips will showcase. More details will be available shortly.
Ollie Webb Reserve All Inclusive Playground
Council has recently constructed a regional sized all-inclusive playground and water-play park at Ollie Webb Reserve, Parramatta. The playground integrates a water play splash pad with active and passive water play elements, along with all-inclusive playground elements. The variety of equipment delivers an exciting play experience for children of all abilities and ages, in all seasons. This will be the first playground of its type in the City of Parramatta LGA. Total project budget is $1.8M and also includes new all-access Changing Places restroom.
Council has partnered with the Touch By Olivia Foundation in the delivery of the all abilities playground.
Many Councils are making the move towards Universal Design and this playground is a premier example of disability inclusion, with a focus on the children and youths in the Parramatta LGA.
Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program
The Parramatta Road Urban Transformation Program is an integrated, cross-agency project established by the NSW Government. In total it is a $198 million initiative under the Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Program, with the aim of transforming Parramatta Road and the precincts along the road into a high quality multiuse corridor with improved transport options, better amenity and balanced growth of housing and jobs.
There are seven local government areas involved in this project: Granville, Auburn, Homebush, Burwood – Concord, Kings Bay, Leichardt, Taverners Hill and Camperdown.
As part of this City of Parramatta has been given $13 million to deliver three capital works projects:
FS Garside – $6,904,334
This project is to upgrade FS Garside park and includes new play and exercise equipment, new picnic shelters, BBQs and fixed tables and seating. It will also include new planting, grass ‘kick’ around areas and new footpaths to provide an accessible place for local communities to engage in passive recreation.
Alfred Street – $1,253,334
This proposal is to upgrade/improve the general streetscape of Alfred Street (420m). The proposed works along Alfred Street will improve the streetscape and reinforce the north-south connection towards the M4 and Harris Park.
Good & Bridge Street – $5,153,334
This proposal is to upgrade Good and Bridge street (260m) between Granville Rail Station and South of Parramatta Road to provide a streetscape that will create an activity centre for the Granville suburb north of the train station.
This funding will allow such a large transformation of the space. The area will be master planned, which includes thorough community consultation and a lot of work with key stakeholders including other councils, local businesses and other government agencies etc. It is a chance to see how neighbouring Councils and agencies can come together to produce joint goals that better the community at large.
Wentworth Point Community Centre and Library
City of Parramatta is working to deliver a Community Centre and Library for Wentworth Point, Newington and neighbouring communities. The Community Centre and Library will be part of a high-rise residential and commercial complex.
The communities of Wentworth Point and Newington have grown substantially since initial plans were discussed, especially at the northern end where the facility will be located. The Community Centre and Library will offer a range of valuable and essential services designed to cater to the diverse needs of our residents.
Heavy community consultation took place and with that in mind Council has designed the centre to include:
- contemporary library services
- multiple flexible community meetings rooms and mini conference capabilities
- an art exhibition/studio space
- music practice rooms
- a co-working space for local micro business operators
- a forecourt that can be used for local community events and functions
- a café is planned for the ground floor as well as a 24-hour book vending machine
Budget for this fit-out is $21.5 million and an operating budget of $2.8 million over the first 4 years.
This project is Councils first genuine multipurpose community hub in an area which is experiencing very high density living; especially compared to other areas of the LGA.
Phillip Street Smart Street
$4.3 million has been allocated to Stage 1 construction of the Phillip Street ‘Smart Street’ project between Church and Smith Streets, southern side. ‘Smart City’ elements such as condition-responsive lighting, sensors in ‘smart bins’, an expanded CCTV network, and wi-fi, combined with roll-out of fibre-optic cable aligns with Council’s ‘Smart City’ vision and will future-proof the street by allowing new digital services as technology evolves.
Phillip Street is a key east-west connector through the Parramatta CBD, providing access from the ferry wharf to the city’s entertainment precinct (‘Eat Street’) and stadium. The Phillip Street precinct (between Phillip Street and the Parramatta River) is going through significant change. Council’s research shows that new residents appreciate infrastructure being in place prior to their arrival. Further, Phillip Street is identified as a key corridor in the ‘Parramatta Ways’ walking plan for the city and will be the city’s gateway for museum visitors, stadium attendees, and ferry arrivals.
The street’s relationship with the river, key entertainment precincts, and significant residential development also provides an opportunity for the establishment of a tree-lined boulevard with opportunities for social links and connections across the CBD. This project will include an ‘urban forest’ with mature street tree planting along to create an immediate ‘boulevard’ effect which will ultimately cover 40% of Phillip Street with mature tree canopy cover in line with Council’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2017. Council’s research shows that CBD workers, visitors and residents strongly preference a ‘tree lined’ CBD.
This project aims to improve liveability in the city in a very forward thinking way; smart cities are the way forward. This will be achieved by improving how technology integrates into our streetscape, and work towards making the installation of technology into our public domain business as usual. This will improve the services and operational function of the city and centres throughout the LGA. Delegates can learn from our successes and failures to help with projects they are working on.

International Cities, Town Centres & Communities Society
PO Box 2313 Brookside Centre QLD 4053